Dragons in the Algorithm
Adventures in Programming
by Michael Chermside


CAPCHAs are those odd little boxes that show some badly malformed letters and numbers and ask you to type them in. The idea is to check whether you are a human.

The problem is that CAPCHAs are pretty difficult for humans. And they're fairly easy for computers. There are the simple work-arounds (like paying to break CAPCHAs on Mechanical Turk). And there are the high-tech solutions where you simply build a computer that can solve them. My biggest concern though is the new kind of CAPTCHA that people have begun using. I find it to be a real problem, and it, too, can be worked around by anyone who is sufficiently motivated, but it is becoming a disturbingly common new way of identifying real humans:

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Posted Mon 28 October 2013 by mcherm in Security, Technology